Why Organic Cotton is Better for Babies

Why Organic Cotton is Better for Babies

Your baby is the most precious thing in your life. So why not treat them as such? Many people are unaware that using the wrong products for their baby can make a huge difference in their comfort and well-being in general.

Are you using organic cotton for your baby? If not, this is definitely something you should start to think about. For those of you who are already on the organic bandwagon when it comes to their food, why wouldn’t you take the next step and make sure they’re getting organic care on the outside, too? 

Organic Cotton VS Conventional Cotton

The main difference is really how it’s made. The process of making conventional cotton actually uses many different harmful chemicals and toxins that don’t leave the cotton once it is made into baby clothing and blankets. This means that when you tuck your baby away in their favorite onesie, you’re actually wrapping them in factory produced, chemical-ridden materials.

Organic cotton is made by a much more complex system. However, it does not use any of the harmful chemicals and toxins that conventional cotton does – hence the reason for the more complex system in order to override all of those chemicals.

Everything from the seeds to the final dying and printing is different between the two methods of processing cotton. With organic cotton, the seeds are organic, the soil in which the cotton grows is all chemical-free, the insect control is elaborate but remains toxin-free, and even the harvesting process is much more delicate.

That being said, the difference between organic cotton and conventional cotton is really everything. Organic cotton is simply made and processed naturally and without any harsh chemicals, unlike conventional cotton. This is why organic cotton baby clothes is a much better choice for your child.

Why it’s Important

Did you know that an infant’s skin can be up to 5 times thinner and more sensitive than an adult’s? An infant’s skin is also much more absorbent than ours as well. This means that when you put conventional cotton on your baby, they are much more likely to absorb any toxic materials and are more likely to have skin irritation because of the sensitivity.

Organic cotton clothes are important for your baby because you really want to limit their irritants and exposure to chemicals when they’re developing. This will not only keep them healthier and help them develop more natural, but it will also keep them a lot more comfortable due to limiting the irritants around them.

The Benefits

Cuts Exposure to Chemicals and Toxins – Although this has been stated already, I would just like to reiterate this vital benefit of organic cotton baby clothing. Babies take in a lot more of the chemicals and toxins in anything – especially if they’re covered in it all day. Organic cotton baby clothes limit this exposure and helps keep your little one healthy and happy!

Increases Comfort – The feel of organic cotton is much better than conventional cotton. I’m sure you can imagine how much the chemicals cut down on how soft and comfortable organic cotton really feels. By using organic cotton baby clothes you will have your baby feeling as if they’re on a cloud – okay, maybe not that great but they’ll be very comfortable!

Safer & Lasts Longer – Studies show that organic cotton is safer for infants. Due to the absence of toxic chemicals such as herbicides, insecticides and pesticides, cotton plants can grow naturally while keeping all the nutrients intact. Moreover, organic cotton is superior in quality. Since it can retain its natural state, organic cotton is antimicrobial, mold resistant and smooth. These characteristics allow the skin to breathe and avoid skin allergies making the baby happy and comfortable.

Cotton harvesters, on the other hand, now rely on natural solutions to lure insects away. Avoiding the use of harmful chemicals does not only benefit infants but the harvesters as well.

If you really want to make a difference in your baby’s life, then organic cotton baby clothing is the way to go. There’s really no better way to dress your baby than in real, organic, comfortable, and toxin-free clothes!


Image courtesy of Clare Bloomfield / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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